Project status

Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
Scheduler goofyxGrid-NCI Running
feeder goofyxGrid-NCI Running
transitioner goofyxGrid-NCI Running
file_deleter goofyxGrid-NCI Running
db_purge goofyxGrid-NCI Running
assimilator (test) goofyxGrid-NCI Running
validator (test) goofyxGrid-NCI Running
assimilator (test2) goofyxGrid-NCI Disabled
validator (test2) goofyxGrid-NCI Disabled
Script description Schedule Last run Status
Server status runtime 1 hour 2024-09-16 21:00 idle
Sorting results 5 minutes 2024-09-16 21:00 idle
To sort counting 2 minutes 2024-09-16 21:04 idle
To analyze counting 5 minutes 2024-09-16 21:00 idle
Analyzed counting 5 minutes 2024-09-16 21:00 idle
Wu generator: test 15 minutes 2024-09-16 21:00 idle
Wu generator: test2 15 minutes none idle

Computing status


Tasks ready to send279767
Tasks in progress17945
Workunits waiting for validation17
Workunits waiting for assimilation109
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion6
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.0006
Results ready for sorting3879
Results ready for analyzing15951199
Results analyzed4


With credit145
With recent credit130
Registered in past 24 hours219


With credit26086
With recent credit23122
Registered in past 24 hours11
Current GigaFLOPS19412.44

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of recent tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours Generator status Ready for sorting Ready for analysis After analysis
test app 279767 17945 1 (0 - 1.07) 116 waiting 3876 15951226 0
Server software version: 1.4.2 View source on Github.
Database schema version: 27028

Task data as of 16 Sep 2024, 19:03:49 UTC

©2024 Goofyx Prodakszyn